Sunday 18 June 2017

For more than 2000 years Europeans have known that the virgin Mary was black . In 2013 I came to Messina to conduct a cursory investigation . I was taken aback to learn that for centuries EUROPEAN countries have been paying homage ,tribute, idolizing and praying to the Black Madonna

                    Religious historians are convinced that Saint Luke painted this picture of the virgin Mary

                                 The black Madonna of Essen Germany
                                   This one of the most revered picture of the virgin Mary.Painted by Saint Luke

    John Dorman in Athens walking in the footsteps of the ancient gods
                         Saint LUKE PAINTING THE MADONNA
John Dorman in Florence

 John Dorman at the Acropolis in Athens

     It was in college I first heard the claim that the virgin Mary resided in Izmir Turkey in close proximity to Ephesus .In 2013 I sojourned to Ephesus to conduct a cursory investigation as to the validity of the story . In Ephesus I asked all the essential questions but found only unreliable answers .In most European countries Mary was perceived as the black Madonna .  If Mary is black
Jesus cannot be the Anglo-Saxon with blond hair and hazel eyes they projected him to be


The following is the text of a letter claimed to have been written by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the City of Messina, Sicily. It is claimed that the original letter is preserved in the reliquary of the great altar of one of Messina's churches.   Religious history has it that "St. Paul, the Apostle preached the gospel" in Messina

"I, Mary Virgin, servant of God, very humble Mother of Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Almighty and Eternity, to all who are in Messina, health and benediction in our Lord. You have learned by the ambassadors who have been sent to you. You received the gospel and you acknowledged that the Son of God has become man, and has suffered the passion and death for the salvation of the world, and that He is Christ and also the true Messiah. I beseech you to persevere, promising to you, and all your posterity, to assist you in the presence of My Son." (Great graces are given to those who carry a copy of this letter.)
Mary Virgin, very humble servant of God

                   Greek orthodox icon of St.Mary painted by St.Luke

                        Saint Luke painted this picture of Mary
                    Saint Paul painted this picture

 John Dorman and family exploring the house of the virgin Mary .The house is nestled in Turkey on mount nightingale in close proximity to Ephesus .The house is revered by Catholics and Muslims
  John Dorman in Athens

Saint Luke painted this picture

Painted by St.Luke

The Black Madonna of Częstochowa Poland 
The icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa has been intimately associated with Poland for the past six hundred years.  History has it that St. Luke  painted it on a cypress table top from the house of the Holy Family.
 John Dorman and family came to Athens  to explore this iconic city known for it's plethora of ancient ruins and to walk in the foot steps of the ancient gods 

The Black Madonna was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist. St. Luke is believed to have used a tabletop from a table built by the carpenter Jesus. It was while Luke was painting Mary that she told him about the events in the life of Jesus that he eventually incorporated in his gospel. The next time we hear of the painting is in 326 A.D. when St. Helen found it in Jerusalem and gave it to her son and had a shrine built for it in Constantinople. During a battle, the picture was placed on the walls of the city, and the enemy army fled. Our Lady saved the city from destruction. The picture was owned by many other people until 1382 when invading Tartars attacked a Prince Ladislaus' fortress, where the painting was located. A Tartar's arrow lodged into through the throat of the Madonna. The Prince transfered the painting to a church in Czestochowa, Poland. In 1430, the church was invaded and a looter struck the painting two times with his sword, but before he could strike it another time, he fell to the ground in agony and pain, and died. The sword cuts and the arrow wound are still visible on the painting.  Our Lady of Czestochowa (the Black Madonna) was soon made Queen and Protector of Poland. In 1920, Russians were invading Poland, when they saw an image of Our Lady in the clouds, and they withdrew on seeing the image.  Miraculous events such as spontaneous healings have occured for centuries on making pilgrimage to the portrait.  The painting is known as the Black Madonna because of the soot residue that discolors the painting. Centuries of votive lights and candles burning in front of the painting are the cause of the soot. 1
1. Taken from Czestochowa, Poland “The Black Madonna”

For more than 2000 years Europeans have known that the virgin Mary was black . In 2013 I came to Messina to conduct a cursory investigatio...